About Us

Historical Background

The Department of Horticulture was originated from the Special Division of Agronomy and Forestry, which was affiliated to Taihaku (Taipei) Imperial University an independent campus named Taichung Academy of Agronomy and Forestry. After the restoration of Taiwan, the Academy was re-instituted as Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture, and the Research Laboratory of Horticulture was established under the Department of Agronomy. The Department of Agronomy was then renamed as Department of Agronomic Science, and sub-divided into Agronomy and Horticultural groups in 1949. Department of Horticulture was founded and independent of the Department of Agronomy five years later. Master’s and Doctoral programs were established in 1973 and 1992, respectively. At present there are 43 undergraduates, 33 Master of Science and 6 doctoral students enrolled annually.