本系成員 Faculty

  • 林宣佑老師
  • 落葉果樹休眠生理: 利用荷爾蒙分析、轉錄體分析、微根窗與氣體交換等生理與生化技術,探討亞熱帶氣候與全球暖化對台灣落葉果樹 (如:梨、桃、葡萄) 物候期與休眠生理之影響,並結合田間施用植物生長調節劑、落葉劑與生物刺激素,開發新型、低毒性、高效能之催芽技術。
  • 小果類作物 (黑莓、藍莓、覆盆子、草莓等)栽培與生理: 期能透過種原蒐集與評估、肥培管理、催芽技術之開發、逆境生理與開花生理之探討,發展亞熱帶地區小果類作物栽培模式。期能提升國內民眾對莓果的熟悉度,培養食用莓果之習慣,擴大市場規模。近期目標為收集國內懸鉤子屬 (Rubus spp.)種原,評估耐熱性與園藝性狀,中期目標為透過野生種與商業種雜交輔以分子標記輔助選種,長期目標為育成耐熱性佳且低溫需求低之覆盆子與黑莓供國內商業栽培使用。
  • ORCiD:0000-0002-8788-3015
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正瀚生技農業生技研發專員 (科技部產業高階人才培訓計畫, 2021)

植物生長調節劑與生物刺激素 (EMI課程)
園藝作物休眠生理學 (EMI課程)
小果類作物栽培與生理學 (EMI課程)
國外農業訓練 (合授, EMI課程)
園藝作物育種學 (合授)
果樹學特論 (合授)
果樹生理學特論 (合授)
普通植物學 (合授)
園場操作 (合授)
園藝與生活 (合授)
專題討論 (合授)
  1. Huang, C.-C. , I.-C. Wen, and S.-Y. Lin. 2024. Tainung No.7- HongLing: A low-chill peach cultivar for early fresh market. HortScience 59(3):304306 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI17602-23
  2. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2021. Budbreak patterns and phytohormone dynamics reveal different modes of action between hydrogen cyanamide- and defoliant-induced flower budbreak in blueberry under inadequate chilling conditions. PLoS One 16(8):e0256942 (SCI). https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256942.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2021. Foliar application of defoliants after winter chill accumulation changes phytohormone dynamics and increases budbreak in blackberry under subtropical climatic conditions. Plant Growth Regulation 94:171–181 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-021-00703-x.
  4. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2021. Foliar application of defoliants before winter chill accumulation advances budbreak and improves fruit earliness of blackberry under subtropical climatic conditions. HortScience 56:210–216 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI15533-20.
  5. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Exogenous gibberellic acid and cytokinin effects on budbreak, flowering, and yield of blackberry grown under subtropical climatic conditions. HortScience 55:1938–1945 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI15381-20.
  6. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Exogenous gibberellic acid advances reproductive phenology and increases early-season yield in subtropical blackberry production. Agronomy 10:1317 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091317.
  7. Lin, S.-Y. and K.-T. Li. 2020. The response of aboveground growth, leaf gas exchange, and water use efficiency of the common fig (Ficus carica L.) to salinity stress. Journal of the Taiwanese Society for Horticultural Science 66:1–14.
  8. Agehara S., S.-Y. Lin, and L. Kang. 2020. Strawberry production and markets in Taiwan: challenges, trends, and outlook. International Journal of Fruit Science 20:S2018–S2029 (SCI). https://doi.org/10.1080/15538362.2020.1851340.

  1. 林宣佑。2022。根溫與氣溫差異對落葉果樹休眠期間碳水化合物運移之影響。2022臺灣果樹研究與發展研討會專刊。pp.113-130。
  2. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Cane management of floricane-fruiting blackberries grown in central Florida. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 132:24–28.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2018. Phenology, yield and fruit quality of floricane-fruiting blackberry cultivars under high tunnel and net house production systems in Florida. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 131:13–16.
  4. Lin, S.-Y.and S. Agehara. 2017. Foliar spray of gibberellic acid improves the onset of bud break and fruit set of blackberries in Florida. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 130:11–13.

  1. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Foliar application of urea and lime sulfur for season extension of subtropical blackberry production. Abstract of 2020 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. HortScience 55(9):S5–S6.
  2. Wang, W., C. Delcastillo, A. Acosta-Rangel, S.-Y. Lin, J. Hernandez-Monterroza, M. Gallardo, S. Agehara. 2020. Microbial-and plant-based biostimulants increase tomato yields in Florida. Abstract of 2020 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. HortScience 55(9):S80–S81.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Cane management of floricane-fruiting blackberries grown in central Florida. Abstract of 2019 Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science.
  4. Lin, S.-Y.and S. Agehara. 2018. Phenology and yield of floricane-fruiting blackberry cultivars treated with foliar spray of gibberellic acid in Florida. Abstract of Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science.
  5. Lin, S.-Y. and K.-T. Li. 2014. Leaf gas exchange characteristics and development stability of the fig (Ficus carica L.) in response to salinity stress. Abstract of the 29th International Horticultural Congress.
  1. 簡佑恩、*昌佳致、黃尹則、**林宣佑。2024。稻殼替代藍莓栽培介質對果實產量與介質微生物相之影響。113年度台灣園藝學會論文宣讀,2024年1月17日,國立嘉義大學。
  2. Agehara, S. and S.-Y. Lin. 2021. Blueberry Budbreak Induction Using Hydrogen Cyanamide and Defoliants. Annual conference of the Florida State Horticultural Society. Aug. 2021.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Exogenous gibberellic acid and cytokinin effects on budbreak, flowering, and yield of blackberry grown under subtropical climatic conditions. Annual conference of the Florida State Horticultural Society. Oct. 2020.
  4. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Foliar application of urea and lime sulfur for season extension of subtropical blackberry production. Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Aug. 2020.
  5. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Cane management of floricane-fruiting blackberries grown in central Florida. Annual conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. July. 2019. Las Vegas, NV.
  6. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Bud break induction and flower abortion by exogenous GA3 in ‘Natchez’ blackberry in Florida. Annual conference of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June. 2019. Orlando, FL.
  7. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2018. Phenology and yield of floricane-fruiting blackberry cultivars treated with foliar spray of gibberellic acid in Florida. Annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. July. 2018. Washington D.C.
  8. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2017. Foliar spray of gibberellic acid improves the onset of bud break and fruit set of blackberries in Florida. Annual conference of the Florida State Horticultural Society. June. 2017. Tampa, FL.
  1. 昌佳致、林建銘、林宣佑。葉施大蒜萃取液與亞麻仁油於低海拔獼猴桃催芽效果之評估。111年台灣園藝學會年會。2022年12月23日。台中,台灣。
  2. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Season extension of subtropical blackberry production by chemical induction of defoliation and bud break.  2020 North American Raspberry & Blackberry Conference. Mar. 3–6 2020.  St. Louis, MO.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2020. Chemical induction of blackberry flower bud break under inadequate chilling.  2020 Plant Science Symposium. Jan. 302020 Plant Science Symposium 31 2020. Gainesville, FL.
  4. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Blackberry bud dormancy and methods to induce flower bud break in Florida. 2019 GCREC Graduate Research Day. Apr. 2019. Balm, FL.
  5. Sanada, A., S.-Y. Lin, L. Kang, and S. Agehara. 2019.  An overview of strawberry production and markets in Japan and Taiwan. 2019 North America Strawberry Grower Association Annual Meeting. Feb 3–6 2019. Orlando, FL.
  6. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2018. Horticultural traits and profiling of dormancy- and flowering-related gene expression in gibberellic acid-treated blackberry in a subtropical climate. The 6th International Plant Dormancy Symposium. Oct. 23–26 2018. Kyoto, Japan.
  7. Lin, S.-Y. and K.-T. Li. 2014.  Leaf gas exchange characteristics and development stability of the fig (Ficus carica L.) in response to salinity stress. The 29th International Horticultural Congress. Aug. 17–22 2014. Brisbane, Australia.
  8. Lin, S.-Y., J.A. Kimball and S.R. Milla-Lewis. 2013. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for cold tolerance in a St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum var. Raleigh) self-pollinated population. The 12th Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. July 2013. Raleigh, NC.
  1. 基於非結構性醣類動態變化開發桃花期預測模式與化學催芽機制之研究。國家科學及技術委員會(113-2313-B-005 -006 -MY3)
  2. 基於氣體交換技術與光合生化模型擬合開發評估國內覆盆子野生近緣種耐熱性之技術。農業部(113農科-1.3.2-科-12)
  3. 提升低需冷性桃果實品質、落葉與開花整齊度之研究。農業部農糧署(113農科-4.2.3-糧-01(3))
  4. 稻殼替代藍莓栽培介質之應用研發。農業委員會台中區農業改良場
  5. 低需冷性桃於亞熱帶地區花芽分化與芽體休眠之研究。農業委員會農糧署 (111農科-4.2.3-糧-Z3)
  1. 發展與實現智慧化電動手持式氣壓氣壓深層鬆土機於多年生作物之研究。國家科學與技術委員會 (111-2622-B-005-002-)
  1. 何冠昱。草莓優選品系高溫下光合生化反應參數模擬與花粉活力之研究。國家科學與技術委員會 (113-2813-C-005-080-B)
  2. 楊季朗。應用本土農林廢棄物開發藍莓栽培介質。國家科學與技術委員會 (112-2813-C-005-047-B)
  3. 簡佑恩。有機肥料施用與接種杜鵑類菌根菌對藍莓生長促進之評估。國家科學與技術委員會 (112-2813-C-005-048-B)

  1. 許茜怡。2023。分析市售光合菌產品細菌多樣性與評估其對‘香水’草莓慣行栽培氮肥替代效果
  2. 何冠昱。2023。利用快速淨二氧化碳同化速率-細胞間隙二氧化碳濃度反應曲線擬合光合生化反應參數–以澆灌矽酸鉀提升定植初期 ‘昭顏’草莓耐熱性為例
  3. 簡佑恩。2022。林業覆蓋物與杜鵑類菌根對於藍莓生長率之影響
  4. 曾華靖。2022。酵母菌 S1 對咖啡櫻桃發酵風味比較
  5. 張絜茹。2022。利用根箱與影像分析軟體評估介質配方與海藻精對草莓根系和地上部生長之交互作用
  1. Agehara, S. and S.-Y. Lin. 2021. Chemical budbreak induction methods to increase blackberry yields under inadequate chilling conditions. EDIS. 2021. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-HS1419-2021.
  2. Agehara, S., S.-Y. Lin. , and Z. Deng. 2020. Choosing the right blackberry cultivar in subtropical Florida. EDIS. 2020. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-hs1352-2019.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Giving blackberry buds a wake-up call with gibberellic acid and defoliants. Berry Vegetable Times. Mar. 2019
  1. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2019. Urea application can accelerate bud break and fruit earliness in subtropical Florida. 2019 Florida Ag Expo. Nov. 2019. Balm, FL.
  2. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2018. Give Sleeping Beauty a kiss - Awakening blackberry from winter dormancy by exogenous gibberellic acid. Florida State Horticultural Society Newsletter. Oct. 2018.
  3. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2018.  Exogenous gibberellic acid improves bud break and fruit yields of high-chill blackberry cultivars in Florida. 2018 Florida Ag Expo. Nov. 2018. Balm, FL.
  4. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara. 2017. The breaking of bud dormancy by foliar spray of gibberellic acid improves the onset of bud break and fruit set of blackberries in Florida. 2017 Florida Ag Expo. Nov. 2017. Balm, FL.
  1. 111學年度優良勞作教育導師(2023/06)
  2. 佛羅里達州園藝學會年會學生論文獎第一名 (2020/09)
  3. 美國園藝學會年會植物生長調節劑組學生口頭報告第一名 (2020/08)
  4. 佛羅里達州園藝學會年會學生論文獎第一名 (2019/06)
  5. 佛羅里達州園藝學會年會學生論文獎第三名 (2018/05)
  6. 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院學士論文獎 (2014/06)
  7. 國科會大專生研究計畫獎學金 (2013/05)
  1. 許茜怡。分析市售光合菌產品細菌多樣性與評估其對‘香水’草莓慣行栽培氮肥替代效果。園藝學系112學年度研究法海報競賽第二名(2024/06)
  2. 何冠昱。利用快速淨二氧化碳同化速率-細胞間隙二氧化碳濃度反應曲線擬合光合生化反應參數–以澆灌矽酸鉀提升定植初期 ‘昭顏’草莓耐熱性為例。園藝學系112學年度研究法海報競賽佳作(2024/06)
  3. 昌佳致。稻殼替代藍莓栽培介質對果實產量與介質微生物相之影響。112年台灣園藝學會年會果樹組果樹組(育種與生理、栽培技術)優良論文宣讀獎-優良 (2024/01)
  4. 張絜茹。利用根箱與影像分析軟體評估介質配方與海藻精對草莓根系和地上部生長之交互作用。園藝學系111學年度研究法海報競賽第一名 (2023/06)
  1. 農資學院學生雙語教學執行委員會(Bilingual Education for Students, BEST)委員

  1. Trees, Springer, Germany (SCI)
  2. Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers Media, Switzerland (SCI)
  3. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology, Springer, Germany (SCI)
  4. Scientia Horticulturae, Elsevier, Netherlands (SCI)
  5. HortScience, American Society for Horticultural Science, U.S.A. (SCI)
  6. Sustainability, MDPI, Switzerland (SCI)
  7. Land, MDPI, Switzerland (SCI)
  8. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, American Society for Horticultural Science, U.S.A. (SCI)
  9. 臺灣園藝, 台灣園藝學會, 台北
  10. 農林學報, 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院, 台中

  1. 日本東京農業大學及筑波大學師生參訪 (Dr. Takashi Kuramoto and Dr. Junichi Abe) (2024/02/26, 系上參訪)
  2. Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)博士生交流參訪 (2023/12/20, 系上參訪)
  3. 泰國皇家基金會專家(2023/12/15, 系上參訪)
  4. 日本大學 (Dr. Akira Tateishi, Dr. Kenji Nashima, Dr. Mirai Azuma from Nihhon University) (2023/08/10, 系上參訪)
  5. 泰國農業大學 (Dr. Jenjira and Dr. Nopporn from Kasetsart University) (2023/06/11~17)
  6. 美國農業部農業研究署 (Dr. Lisa Tang, Dr. Andrew Bierer, and Dr. Chunxian Chen from USDA-ARS) (2023/05/31, 系上參訪)
  7. 韓國農村振興廳 Rina Lee等人 (2023/05/23, 系上參訪)
  8. 泰國宋卡王子大學自然學院 Dr. Chaiyawan Wattanachant團隊 (2023/03/08, 系上參訪)
  9. 韓國濟州島氣候變遷研究中心Dr. Deong Joon Ahn團隊 (2022/11/10, 研究室參訪)
  1. 2023年農資學院全英文演講及海報競賽評審
  2. 112年度臺中市優質水蜜桃果品評鑑(2023/07)
  3. 112年度臺中市優質葡萄評鑑(2023/07)
  4. 112年度彰化縣優質溫室早春葡萄評鑑競賽(2023/04)
  5. 111年度台中市優質水蜜桃果品評鑑(2022/07)
  6. 111年度彰化縣優質葡萄果品評鑑(2022/06)

  1. 國立中興大學生物科技學研究所(碩士班)
  2. 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系(碩士班)

  1. 農業部113年科發基金食安農業技術創新與推廣計畫初期審查
  2. 農業部果樹科技計畫112年期末暨113年期初計畫審查會議
  3. 農業部果樹產銷鏈結技術推動小組112年科技計畫期末暨113年計畫審查會議委員
  4. 111年度科發基金計畫"前瞻農業議題國際標竿學習與交流研究"期末審查
  5. 111年度科發基金計畫"前瞻農業議題國際標竿學習與交流研究"期中評核
  6. 111年度"建構因應氣候變遷之韌性農業體系研究"單一細部計畫期末審查

  1. 113年興農股份有限公司員工教育訓練 "作物-薔薇科栽培與管理" (2024/06/18)
  2. 國立中興大學國際農業服務團專題演講"留學經驗與心得分享"(2023/11/16)
  3. 112年度「建構因應氣候變遷之韌性農業體系研究計畫」工作坊 "開發落葉果樹低毒性催芽劑-以佛羅里達州黑莓與藍莓產業為例"(2023/08/11)
  4. 國立中興大學植物教學醫院分區儲備植物醫師在職訓練 "基本藍莓田間管理" (2023/06/26)
  5. 臺大園藝暨景觀學系園藝論壇專題演講 "The Hidden Beauty of Fruit Science " (2023/05)
  6. 曾文農工高職優質化計畫專題演講 "莓果生活" (2022/12)
  7. 111年度愛樹教育推動計畫-嘉大森林系專題演講 "特色植物-藍莓" (2022/12)
  8. 興大生機系專題演講 "莓果栽培與健康" (2022/10)
  9. 臺大園藝暨景觀學系高級果樹學 "佛羅里達州黑莓藍莓化學催芽" (2022/06)
  10. Lin, S.-Y. and S. Agehara*. 2020.  Chemical induction of bud break in blackberry under inadequate chilling conditions. Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference. Jan. 2020. Savannah, GA.
  1. 招生組專業化發展計畫-學習歷程高中諮詢會(2023/12)
  2. 台中市私立明道中學 (2022/01)